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A great place to buy crypto for euros and CZK

Compare us with Czech alternatives or foreign competitors. In most cases, we will offer you the best price. Read on to find out more.

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Comparison with Czech alternatives

We run the largest markets of the most famous cryptocurrencies against Czech crowns.

Because we only provide buying and selling on these pairs and do not take exchange rate risk, we can offer you lower fees.

You will pay up to 4 times less than our competitors when using a limit order in our Trading Platform.

Table of costs for bitcoin purchase

PlatformCostsTotal costs*
Coinmate0.4 % – limit order
1.5 % – Quick buy
0.80 € - limit order
3 € - Quick buy
Anycoin1.64 %3.28 €
Simplecoin2.5 %5 €
CoinBank2.5 %5 €
cShop14.2 %56 €
Costs0.4 % – limit order<br />1.5 % – Quick buy
Total costs*0.80 € - limit order<br />3 € - Quick buy
Costs1.64 %
Total costs*3.28 €
Costs2.5 %
Total costs*5 €
Costs2.5 %
Total costs*5 €
Costs14.2 %
Total costs*56 €

*Data as of 1/3/2024. Calculations made with a test purchase for 5000 CZK (200 €).

Comparison with foreign options

When buying abroad, it is best to use markets in euros. Some competitors outbid us in fees; they can afford it because of their size. However, remember the additional costs when converting from Czech crowns to euros.

If you combine all costs, we are either a better or equally cheap solution for most users. Simplicity will always be our advantage because you don't have to deal with the compound exchange to euros and their transfer.

Table of costs for bitcoin purchase

PlatformExchange costsBank costsTotal costs*Costs for 200 € purchase
Coinmate0.4 % – limit order0 % – no exchange needed0.4 %0.80 €
Coinbase0.6 % – limit order2.5 % – CZK/EUR exchange in bank
0.2 % to 1.2 % – CZK/EUR exchange via Revolut **
0.8 to 3.1 %1.60 € to 6.60 €
Kraken0.25 % – limit order2.5 % – CZK/EUR exchange in bank
0.2 % to 1.2 % – CZK/EUR exchange via Revolut **
0.45 to 2.75 %0.92 € to 5.48 €
Binance0.1 % – limit order2.5 % – CZK/EUR exchange in bank
0.2 % to 1.2 % – CZK/EUR exchange via Revolut **
0.3 to 2.6 %0.60 € to 5.20 €
Exchange costs0.4 % – limit order
Bank costs0 % – no exchange needed
Total costs*0.4 %
Costs for 200 € purchase0.80 €
Exchange costs0.6 % – limit order
Bank costs2.5 % – CZK/EUR exchange in bank<br />0.2 % to 1.2 % – CZK/EUR exchange via Revolut **
Total costs*0.8 to 3.1 %
Costs for 200 € purchase1.60 € to 6.60 €
Exchange costs0.25 % – limit order
Bank costs2.5 % – CZK/EUR exchange in bank<br />0.2 % to 1.2 % – CZK/EUR exchange via Revolut **
Total costs*0.45 to 2.75 %
Costs for 200 € purchase0.92 € to 5.48 €
Exchange costs0.1 % – limit order
Bank costs2.5 % – CZK/EUR exchange in bank<br />0.2 % to 1.2 % – CZK/EUR exchange via Revolut **
Total costs*0.3 to 2.6 %
Costs for 200 € purchase0.60 € to 5.20 €

* Data as of 1/3/2024. Calculations made with a test purchase for 5000 CZK (200 €). We have considered the exchange costs calculated from the spread of the exchange rates of Czech banks and the Revolut platform. ** The normal spread on Revolut is 0.2%. After exceeding the monthly limit of CZK 25,000 and on weekends it is 1.2%.

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